Monday, August 17, 2009

Fish Porridge

Century Egg Porridge

Porridge also known as Congee. The word "Congee" is derive from the Tamil word, "Kranji." It is commonly seen in Singapore.

There are many regional variations of Chinese congees: The Cantonese porridge and Teochew porridge.

Cantonese porridge looks more thick and sticky whereas Teochew porridge looks like clear rice soup.

It is often eaten with zha cai, salted duck eggs, lettuce, tofu, youtiao, meat such as chicken and century egg. Other seasonings, such as white pepper and soy sauce may be added.

Congee can be left watery or can be drained so that it has a texture similar to Western oatmeal porridge. Congee can also be made from brown rice, although this is less common and takes longer to cook.

Besides functioning as an everyday meal, congee is considered to be a food therapy for the sick and the elderly as it is easily digestable and easy to chew.

Congee can also be made from other grains, like cornmeal, millet and barley. These are commonly found in north China, where rice does not grow as well as other grains suited for a colder climate. Multigrain congee mixes are popularly sold in the health food sections of Chinese supermarkets. Congee with mung beans is usually eaten with sugar to give a cooling effect.

Prices vary from $2.50 - $3.50 per bowl.


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